Notre Dame de Lourdes
Margate, Kent.—The motor life-boat Lord Southborough (Civil Service No. 1) was launched at 10.20 A.M. on the 10th January, in answer to a message from North Foreland wireless station, received through the coastguard, that a trawler about thirty miles E. by N. of Margate was in need of immediate help.
A fresh S.E. breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea. After the life-boat had put out it was learned that the trawler Notre Dame de Lourdes, of Boulogne, had been in collision with the British steamer Theems. Seven of the trawler's crew had been drowned, and the remainder had been picked up by the Theems. A wireless message was sent out asking ships to speak the life-boat if seen, and to tell her to return to her station. She did not receive this message, however, and searched for some hours. She returned to her station at 7 P.M., after nearly nine hours at sea, having covered about seventy miles.
An increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was granted to each member of the life-boat crew.— Rewards, £13 17s. 9d..