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Herring Drifters

Maryport, Cumberland. — After two days of very bad weather, conditions moderated somewhat on the 26th October and herring drifters put to sea. During the afternoon the weather got very bad again, and by 6.30 P.M.

a whole W. gale was blowing, with an exceptionally heavy sea. The weather was thick, with rain and hail. Red flares were seen north of Maryport, in Allonby bay, and the motor life-boat Joseph Braithrcaite was launched at 7.5. P.M. She escorted in the drifter L.A.Ii. Houston at 7.55 P.M., and landed her own bowman, who had collapsed suffering from a severe cold.

She took another man on board and set out again. Some time later the drifter which had signalled for help got in unaided, and as all the vessels were safely in, the life-boat was recalled.

She arrived back at her station at 10.15 P.M., but could not be rehoused owing to the very bad conditions, and was left at moorings.—Rewards, £24 10s..