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Crystal, of Dieppe

Exmouth, Devon.—The motor life-boat Catherine Harriet Eaton was launched at 4.52 P.M. on the 15th November, as the coastguard had reported that a trawler, at anchor one mile off West Bay, was in need of help. She had asked for a tug earlier in the day, but conditions were too bad to allow of one putting out. The sea was very heavy, and a whole S.W. gale was blowing, with squalls of rain. The life-boat found the trawler to be the Crystal, of Dieppe, with a crew of five. Her trawl had fouled her propeller, and she was being swept by big seas. The life-boat stood by her all night. At 7 A.M. on the 16th the gale abated, and she towed her into Lyme Regis, arriving there at 10.30 A.M. At 12.15 P.M. the life-boat left for her station, but when off Sidmouth her engine broke down.

A passing trawler towed her to Straight Point, where the Exmouth pilot boat picked her up and towed her in. She reached her station at 5.45 P.M., after an absence of nearly twenty-five hours.

An increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was granted to each member of the life-boat crew.— Rewards, £57 10s..