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Boy's Own and Pioneer

Flamborough, Yorkshire.—The No. 1 motor life-boat Elizabeth and Albina Whitley was launched at 1.30 P.M. on the 19th October, as the weather was very bad and two cobles were at sea.

A north gale was blowing, with a heavy sea. The life-boat found the toble Boy's Own about two miles off, making very little headway against wind and sea. She towed her to the North Landing. She put out again andfound the Pioneer about two miles south of Flamborough Head, also trying to make the North Landing.

Conditions were too bad for this, and the life-boat escorted her into the shelter of Bridlington bay, where she was able to make the Flamborough South Landing, and the life-boat made for her station, arriving at 3.45 P.M.— Rewards, £15 Ss. 6d..