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the Silver Cloud

Coverack, Cornwall.—On the 22nd September a fisherman took three visitors out fishing in his motor launch, the Silver Cloud, of Coverack. They were expected back by seven in the evening, but as they had not returned by midnight, and anxiety was felt for their safety, the motor life-boat The Three Sisters was launched at 12.30 A.M.

on the 23rd September. A moderate S.E. breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea and dense fog. After searching the coast from the Manacles to Kennack Sands the life-boat found the missing boat about two miles S.E. of Chynalls Point. She was at anchor in a dangerous position in the track of passing shipping, with no knowledge of her position and without a compass. The life-boat guided the boat to harbour, arriving at 5.30 A.M.—Rewards, £10 6s..