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The Old Salcombe Life-Boat Sarah Ann Holden

Salcombe, Devon.-—The motor lifeboat Alfred and Clara Heath was launched at 9.45 P.M. on the 8th August in response to flares reported by Bolt Head coastguard four miles west of Bolt. A light N.W. breeze was blowing, and the sea was smooth. Two miles S.W. of Bolt the life-boat found the old Salcombe life-boat Sarah Ann Holden, now converted into a pleasure boat, with one man on board. She was helpless owing to the breakdown of her engine, had no anchor, ropes, or lights, and was drifting in the traffic lane.

The life-boat towed her back to Salcombe, and returned to her station at 11.15 P.M.—Rewards, £10 12s..