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The Life-Boat Service In the East End of London

THE East End of London, with docks of the Port of London and the Institution's storeyard in its midst, understands the work of the life-boat service as well as any part of London, and it is proposed to develop the work of the Institution there by forming an East London branch, including Stepney, Bethnal Green, Shoreditch and Poplar, with a special committee.

Those already engaged in social work in the East End are already so fully occupied that, although sympa- thetic, they would not be able to take any active part in the work of the branch. It is hoped, therefore, to recruit this committee from other parts of London. Its meetings would be held at the headquarters of the Institution.

An appeal is made for volunteers to serve on the committee, preferably owners of cars, and they would be asked to give either a morning or an afternoon, not more than three or four times a year, to the work of dis- tributing life-boat collecting boxes and then emptying them.

It is hoped to form the committee and start work early in the New Year, and Miss Dorothy Davies, who has a wide knowledge of East London, and for the past five years has been doing life-boat work in Stepney, which already has a branch of the Institution, would act as honorary secretary. Any readers of The Life-boat who would be willing to help should write to Mr.

John Terry, District Organizing Sec- retary, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.I..