Presentation of French Medals at Torbay and Longhope
THE two silver and six bronze medals, with diplomas, which were awarded to Coxswain William Mogridge, of Torbay, and his crew by the French Government for the rescue of the skipper of the trawler Satanicle, on 30th December, 1935, were presented at Brixham Town Hall on 21st October. Sir Harold Clayton, Bt., chairman of the branch, presided, supported by Mr. R. L.
Dennis, French consul at Dartmouth, Mr. J. Robertson Owen, vice-chairman of the Brixham Urban District Council, and Mr. H. M. Smardon, the honorary secretary. The medals were presented to the coxswain and crew by Mrs. R. L. Dennis, and Lady Clayton presented the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, which had been awarded to each member of the crew. The bronze medal awarded to Coxswain Mogridge had been pre- sented to him by H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, K.G., at the annual meetingof the Institution in London last May.
The silver medal and seven bronze medals, with diplomas, awarded by the French Government to Coxswain Wil- liam Dass, of Longhope, and his crew for the rescue of the crew of 41 men of the French trawler Neptunia on 21st February of this year, were presented at the Town Hall, Orkney, on 9th October. Provost John Slater pre- sided, and the medals and diplomas were presented by Mr. Alfred Baikie, Lord Lieutenant for Orkney and Mrs.
Baikie. Mr. William J. Heddle, French vice-consul, thanked the crew on behalf of the French Government, and Mr. J. Storer Clouston, O.B.E., Convener of Orkney, also spoke. Mr.
John Swanson, who was coxswain for over thirty-four years, was presented with the certificate of service, awarded to him on his retirement by the In- stitution. After the presentations the crew and other guests were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Baikie..