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Naming Ceremony at Gourdon

THE naming ceremony of the motor life-boat for Gourdon, Kin- cardineshire, took place on 23rd May.

The life-boat is a Scottish gift, for it has been built out of a legacy from the late Mrs. Margaret H. Dawson, of Bridge of Allan. She is of the light 35 feet 6 inches Liverpool type described on page 190, and cost £3,500. She has replaced a pulling and sailing life-boat.

There has been a life-boat station at Gourdon since 1878. Its life-boats, have been launched on service 55 times and have rescued 11 lives.

Not only the whole population of Gourdon, but many hundreds who came from different parts of Mearns and Angus took part in the ceremony, and the village and the fishing fleet in the harbour were decorated with flags.

Mr. Thomas Johnston, chairman of the branch, presided. The Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council and a vice-president of the Institution, presented the life-boat to the branch in the name of the donor and the Institution, and she was received by Mr. J. H. Johnstone, honorary secretary of the branch. The Rev. E. Richards, B.D., dedicated the life-boat, and Mrs. Buchanan, of Gask, named her Margaret Dawson.

Votes of thanks to Mrs. Buchanan, the Duke of Montrose, and others taking part in the ceremony, were proposed by Provost Soutar, of Mont- rose, Provost the Rev. Neil McGill and Mr. A. G. Forbes. Mrs. Buchanan replied to the vote of thanks and wished the crew God-speed. The Duke of Montrose presented certificates of service awarded by the Institution to six members of the crew on their retirement..