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Bohemian Girl and Prefect

Stromness, Orkney.—At 11.80 P.M. On the 2nd July the Kirkwall coastguard telephoned that the Wick wireless station had received news of a trawler ashore on North Ronaldshay. There was a thick fog at the time, with a moderate S.E. wind and moderate sea.

The motor life-boat J.J.K.S.W. was undergoing overhaul, but she put out with only one engine working. At 7 A.M. she found the motor trawler Bohemian Girl, of Grimsby, ashore, and the steam trawler Prefect, which had gone to her help, also aground. Shortly afterwards the Prefect refloated. The life-boat stood by the Bohemian Girl till after high water, and then left for home, as the trawler was fast on the rocks and her crew had rowed ashore. While returning the life-boat grounded near Egilshay, but refloated, undamaged, after three hours. She reached her station again at 10.30 P.M.— Rewards, £24 2s. 6d..