An Exhibition of Life-Boat Photographs
THE first exhibition of life-boat photographs to be held was shown in London in June and July. It consisted of upwards of seventy photographs taken all round the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. The photographs showed wrecks, the different types of life-boats at sea, launches by slip-way, horses, tractors and women launch- ers, famous coxswains, and life-boats engaged in the actual work of rescue.
This exhibition the Institution owes to the generosity of Messrs Ilford, the makers of photographic materials, and to many photographers round the coast. The photographers very kindly lent their negatives to the Institution, and Messrs. Ilford made the enlarge- ments and held the exhibition in their galleries in High Holborn, London—all without any expense to the. Institution.
The exhibition was opened on 17th June by Major-General the Right Hon.
Lord Mottistone, P.C., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., a vice-president of the In- stitution and coxswain of the Brooke, Isle of Wight, life-boat. Major-General Sir Ivor Philipps, K.C.B., D.S.O., who presided, and Major D. Blundell Mein, D.S.O., M.C., directors of Messrs. Ilford, took part in the opening.
The exhibition remained open until 9th July, and some 6,000 people visited it. It was then transferred to the Camera Club, Adelphi, where it was shown until 30th July. At the conclusion of the exhibition Messrs.
Ilfords generously presented all the enlargements to the Institution.
In October the photographs were shown in Edinburgh at the galleries of Messrs. Thomas Parsons, which they kindly lent to the Institution.
The exhibition was opened on 2nd October, by Lieut.-Col. D. J. Colville, T.D., J.P., D.L., M.P., TJnder-Secretary of State for Scotland. Captain Guy Fanshawe, R.N., a member of the committee of management of the Institution, who presided, and Harriet, Lady Findlay, D.B.E., president of the Edinburgh Ladies' Life-boat Guild and honorary secretary of the Scottish Life-boat Council, also took part in the opening. The exhibition remained open until 28th October.
In February next the photographs will go to Birmingham, where Messrs.
Lewis's Ltd., will very kindly show them, and it is hoped later on to arrange exhibitions in many other parts of the country..