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Admiral Stuart Nicholson, of Bude

BY the death of Admiral Stuart Nicholson, C.B., M.V.O., D.L., on 10th September, at the age of seventy, the Institution has lost one of its most active and successful honorary secre- taries. At the end of 1920 he retired from the Navy after a very dis- tinguished career, and at the beginning of 1921 he became the honorary secretary of the life-boat station at Bude. The station was closed two years later, but Admiral Nicholson remained as the honorary secretary of the financial branch. It has given very generous support to the Institu- tion during his sixteen years as its honorary secretary. It has an excellent subscription list, and a very successful life-boat day. This year it has contributed £171, which is over lOd. per head of the population.

Admiral Nicholson was a keen photo- grapher, and by his photography, principally portraits, he added con- siderably to the revenue of the branch.

An account of his photography appeared in The Life-boat in 1932. He had then contributed in this way over £200. In 1931, Admiral Nicholson was awarded the Institution's gold badge..