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The S.S. Hansa

Boulmer, Northumberland. — Early on the morning of the 20th March the lights of a vessel were seen through the haze to the S.E. of Boulmer. Shortly afterwards she struck the rocks at Boulmer Steel, and made signals of distress. A freshening S.E. wind was blowing, with a moderate but increasing swell. The motor life-boat L.P. and St. Helen was launched at 5.54 A.M., and found the s.s. Hansa, of Wismar, Germany, aground in shallow and broken water. Helped by two fishing boats, the life-boat ran out two kedge anchors from the Hansa. With the rising tide the Hansa refloated, and, after making sure that she was not leaking, went on her way to Leith.

The life-boat then made for home, arriving at 10.20 A.M. — Property Salvage Case..