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The S.S. Elsie Annie

Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wezford On the evening of the 5th February the s.s. Elsie Annie, of Wexford, ran aground on the North Dogger bank, N.W. of the bar. She carried a crew of nine and a pilot, and was bound with a cargo of coal from Ayr to Wexford.

A strong S. by E. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. It was raining, and very cold. News was received from the harbour-master, and the motor life-boat K.E.C.F. put out at 7.45 P.M. She found the Elne Annie in a very bad position, broadside on to the bank, with the seas breaking right across her. The life-boat stood by all night, but the master did not want to leave his ship, and she returneji to her station at 9.15 A.M. on the 6th.

She had been on service for thirteen and a half hours. A watch was kept on the Elsie Annie. With wind and sea increasing during the day, her position became very dangerous, and the life-boat put out again at 4 P.M.

on the 6th. The Elsie Annie was being driven broadside over the bank, with seas making a clean breach over her. With great difficulty the lifeboat got alongside and rescued the ten men, and returned to Rosslare again at 9 P.M. It was a fine service, carried out in very bad conditions.

The thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum were awarded to COXSWAIN JAMES WICKHAM and special money awards were granted to him and each member of his crew..