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The Spanish Steam Trawlers Evaristo Perez and Teresa Camposa

Ballycotton, Co. Cork. — During a thick fog on the afternoon of the 2nd May sirens were heard sounding continuously.

A moderate east breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat Mary Stanford was launched at 4.15 P.M., and found the Spanish steam trawlers Evaristo Perez and Teresa Camposa, of Vigo, ashore in Ballycotton bay. After trying, unsuccessfully, to refloat one of the trawlers, the life-boat went alongside the other.

Then, as the tide was falling, she returned to her station for the boardingboat, as she could no longer go among the rocks to the trawlers. She went back to the trawlers again, and stood by. At high water the Teresa Camposa refloated and the life-boat escorted her through the fog to the Evaristo Perez.

As the crew of the second trawler did not wish to abandon ship, and were in no immediate danger, the life-boat then made for home. She arrived at herstation at 5.30 A.M., having been on service for twelve hours. Later in the day the Evaristo Perez was towed clear by the Teresa Camposa.—Rewards, £15 95..