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The Latvian Steamer Mars

Anstruther, Fifeshire.—On the morning of the 19th May the coastguard telephoned that a small vessel was ashore at North Ness, May Island. A moderate N.E. breeze was blowing, with a strong swell, and the weather was thick. The motor life-boat Nettie and Charlie was launched at 5.55 A.M.

and found the Latvian steamer Mars, of Liepaja, stranded, with her stem lying dry. The Mars was bound, with thirteen people on board, in ballast for Methil. Her master asked the life-boat to stand by until high water. The lifeboat crew landed on May Island for about an hour, during which time they were entertained to breakfast by the lightkeepers, and then returned to the Mars. The life-boat waited for high water but the Mars remained hard aground. At 4.30 P.M., when it was apparent that she would not refloat without help, the life-boat took off eight of the crew, and from May Island a woman and a boy who had gone ashore there at low water, and landed them at Anstruther. The captain, mate and one of the crew of the Mars remained on board. The lifeboat returned to her station at 6.7 P.M.

—Rewards, £10 14s. 6d..