Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk.
—On the afternoon of the 27th May the coastguard telephoned that a small vessel was aground on Scroby sands, bearing N.E. by E. from Yarmouth coastguard station. A rather heavy sea was running on the sands, and a fresh and increasing N.N.E.
breeze was blowing. The motor lifeboat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladsrvood was launched at 4.56 P.M.
and found the motor yacht Sunbeam, of Boston, about half a mile E. of Scroby sands. The Sunbeam, bound from Boston to the Thames, had been aground but she had refloated. Her engine had broken down, and the two men and a woman on board were in a state of alarm. The life-boat passed the yacht a line and towed her back to harbour. The three people were taken to the Mariners' Refuge, and the lifeboat returned to her station at 9 P.M.—• Rewards, £14 4s..