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Prosperity, Progress, Endeavour, Flying Spray and Success

Whitby, Yorkshire.—Early on the morning of the 15th April the local motor fishing boats Prosperity, Progress, Endeavour, Flying Spray and Success put out to fish. A nasty sea was running. Later on it grew worse and broke heavily on the bar. At 12.10 P.M.

the motor life-boat Margaret Barker Smith was launched and moored alongside the quay. At 2 P.M. the Prosperity was seen making for shelter, and the life-boat went off and escorted her safely into harbour. During the afternoon the other four boats were met and escorted in, and the life-boat returned to her station at 6 P.M. Oil was freely used by the fishing boats and the life-boat, and had a wonderful effect on the breaking seas.—Rewards, £5 9*..