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Major Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G.

By the death on 16th May, at the age of eighty, of Major Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a vice-president of the Institution, the committee of manage- ment have lost one of their most valued and active members. After a dis- tinguished career, first in the Royal Engineers, and then as Crown Agent for the Colonies, he became a member of the committee of management in 1921, and remained a member until his death. He served at various times on practically all its standing committees and sub-committees, including its boat and construction committees, from which he only retired on account of ill health a few months before his death.

When he left London and settled in Hampshire in 1929, he not only con- tinued his work for the Institution with the same activity, but added to it by becoming honorary treasurer of the Liss district of the Petersfield branch.

Sir Maurice Cameron brought to the work of the Institution, and in parti- cular to its technical committees, a combination of qualifications of un- usual value. Not only was he an engineer of wide experience, but from his days at school he had had a passion for sailing, built a boat himself while he was stationed at Malta, was a member of the Royal Cruising Club, and held the Board of Trade's certificate as a master mariner. During his fifteen years' association with the Institution, his generous zeal for its work and his unfailing kindness endeared him to his colleagues on the committee of manage- ment, and to the staff of the Institution, and all were glad when, in recognition of all that he had done for the service, he was in 1933 appointed a vice- president of the Institution. At the funeral the Institution was represented by its secretary, Lieut.-Col. C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., like Sir Maurice Cameron an old Royal Engineer..