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Life-Boat Christmas Card and Calendar

THE Institution is again issuing a life-boat Christmas card and calendar.

They will both have reproduced on them in colours a picture, specially g linted for the Institution by Mr.

ernard Gribble, of the Ballycotton motor life-boat rescuing the last two men from the Daunt Rock Lightship on the night of 13th February last, the climax of an heroic service which lasted over sixty hours, and for which Co - swain Sliney received the Institution's gold medal, and the members of the crew silver and bronze medals. A full account of the service was published in the June issue of The Life-boat.

The Christmas card will be an eight- page card with the Institution's crest embossed on the front, and inside Christmas and New Year greetings, but no other printing. The price will be 4d. each, with envelope. If twenty- five or more are ordered, name and address can be prjnted under the greetings. The price with name and address printed will be 6d. each for quantities from twenty-five to fifty. If fifty or more are ordered, no charge will be made for printing the name and address.

As in previous years, the calendar will have the record of lives saved printed on the front and other particulars on the back.

It will be 11J inches long by 9 inches wide, and can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity, post frfee, Is. each, or 10s. a dozen, this price including an envelope with each calen- dar. It wjll weigh, in the envelope, just under four ounces, so that it can be sent througft the post, with the envelope open, for Id.

Those who wish to order calendars and cards can do so at once. The cards are ready and the calendars will be ready early in November.

Orders should be sent to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I, and postal orders or stamps enclosed..