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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

Coxswain's Certificate of Service.

COXSWAIN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, and a PENSION, have been awarded to : JOHN C. BYFORD, 6} years coxswain, 15} years second coxswain, and 18} years bowman of the Walton and Frinton life- boat.

Life-boatman's Certificate of Service.

The LIFE-BOATMAN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, and a PENSION, have been awarded to the following, on then* retire- ment :— THOMAS H. LEE, 18J years second coxswain, 7J years bowman, and 20J years a member of the crew of the Douglas life-boat.

JOHN DA VIES, 2J years second coxswain, 17 years bowman, and 26 years a member of the crew of the Aberystwyth life-boat.

JAMES POWER, 25 years a member of the crew and 11 years shore-signalman of the Dunmore East life-boat.

The LIFE-BOATMAN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE and a GRATUITY, has been awarded to:— EDWARD QUIRKE, 8} years coxswain and 30} years a member of the crew of the Port St. Mary life-boat.

The LIFE-BOATMAN'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE has been awarded to the follow- ing on then: retirement:— IRA W. GEAR, 16| years second coxswain and 7} years a member of the crew of the Seaham life-boat.

THOMAS FAIRBAIBN, 3 years second coxswain and 11J years a member of the crew of the Skateraw life-boat.

CHARLES HAYLETT, 29J years a member of the crew and ITJ years lightman of the Caister life-boat.

ALEXANDER WYLLIE, 46 years, WILLIAM STEWART, 46 years, ANDREW CHRISTIE, 46 years, JOHN DOUGLAS, 46 years, WILLIAM WATT, 45 years, members of the crew of the Gourdon life-boat.

DAVID ANDERSON, 34 years a member of the crew of the Gourdon life-boat, and previously 17 years a member of the crew of the Montrose life-boat.

FRANK LEE, 37 years, HERBERT CLANCY, 27 years, HEWITT STEER, 27 years, members of the crew of the Walton and Frinton life-boat.


A PENSION has been awarded to :— JAMES POWELL, shore-signalman of the Howth life-boat for 12 years..