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A Small Boat

Walmer, Kent.—On the afternoon of the 9th March the Deal coastguard reported that a small boat with one occupant was in difficulty N.N.W. of the South Goodwin lightship. A light S.S.W. breeze was blowing, with a smooth to moderate sea. The weather was thick, with light rain. The motorlife-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 2) was launched at 5.55 P.M.

Four miles S.E. of St. Margaret's Bay she found the small boat, half full of water, and the man on board exhausted.

He was no longer able to manage the boat, and had no bailer or means of making signals. The life-boat took the man on board, and towed his boat back to Walmer. She returned to her station at 7.50 P.M.—Rewards £30 16*. 6d..