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The S.S. Baron Graham and The S.S. Duero

Dunmore East, Co. Waterford. — On the night of the 10th February members of the Civic Guard from Waterford brought news that the s.s.

Baron Graham, of Ardrossan, was in distress about eight miles off the Waterford coast. A whole S.S.E. gale was blowing, and the sea was very rough. The weather was very cold, and it was snowing heavily. The motor life-boat C and S put out at 11.30 P.M., but although she searched for some hours, could find no trace of the Baron Graham, and made for home after about six hours at sea.

On her way in she found the s.s. Duero, of Cadiz, dragging her anchor in a dangerous position. She stood by her until daylight, put a man on board to act as pilot, and escorted her to a safe anchorage in the harbour, and returned to her station at 11.5 A.M.

She had been on service in bad conditions for eleven and a half hours. It was learned that the Baron Graham had come to anchor between RamHead and Mine Head, and she eventually got into Waterford under her own power. An increase in the usual money awards on the standard scale was made to each member of the crew, in view of the length of the service.—Rewards, £26 2s. 6d..