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The Royal Air Force Steamer Cawley

Plymouth, Devon.—Early on the morning of the 27th January the Royal Air Force steamer Cawley, bound with stores and a crew of fourteen from Rosyth to Plymouth, ran ashore at Queen Ann's Battery. A strong S.W.

gale was blowing, with a rough sea and rain. The Cawley made distress signals, and the motor life-boat Robert and Marcella Beck put out to her help at 6.15 A.M. She found her broadside on to the rocks, got a rope on board and towed her off, stern first. She took her to a safe anchorage, and returned to her station at 8 A.M. But for the life-boat's prompt service the Caicley would have remained aground, as had she not been refloated before the tide ebbed, it would have been impossible to get her off. The officer commanding the R.A.F. station, Mount Batten, sent a letter of thanks to the branch.— Rewards, £10 6*. 3d..