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Provider, Success and Pilot Me

Whitby, Yorkshire.—The" local motor fishing boats Provider, Success and Pilot Me put out at 4 A.M. on the 24th February, in a nasty sea. At $ A.M. a thick fog settled, and, as the sea was making, the motor life-boat Margaret Harker Smith was taken out of the house and moored alongside the quay in readiness should she be needed. By noon the sea was breaking heavily across the harbour entrance.

At 1.45 P.M. the Success was seen off Upgang. The life-boat went off and escorted her into harbour. Later two Royal Air Force boats, on their way to Gosport from Scotland, were seen making for Whitby. The life-boat went out again and brought them safely in, and then, putting off for a third time, escorted in the Provider and Pilot Me.

She returned to her station at 4.15 P.M.—Rewards, £8 5s. Qd..