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Life-Saving By the Coastguard In 1935

DURING 1935 the coastguard took action in the case of 733 vessels off the coasts of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The rocket life-saving appar- atus companies were assembled 68 times for service and 87 people were brought to safety by their help.

In addition 73 vessels which were seen to be standing into danger were warned by signals, altered course and avoided the danger.

Help was given to 33 people in difficulties on cliffs and to 38 cut off by the tide.

In 17 cases help was given in efforts to restore people rescued from drowning and in nine of these cases the efforts were successful.

The coast life-saving corps, which includes the rocket life-saving apparatus companies, auxiliary watches and mem- bers of the intelligence section, gave valuable help to the coastguard. This corps has nearly 6,000 members.

The Board of Trade shield for the best service of the year by a rocket life-saving apparatus company has been awarded jointly to the com- panies at Bootle and Whitehaven, Cumberland, for rescuing the whole crew of the Finnish steamer Esbo, which stranded at Bootle on 19th October.

It was on this day that a westerly gale of unusual violence swept across the British Isles, and twelve life-boats were launched. At Bootle a very heavy sea was running and the life- saving companies were working in it up to their waists..