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Income and Expenditure for 1935


Life-boats :— £ s. d. £ s. d.

New Life-boats for the following stations :—On account— Aith, Broughty Ferry, Cromer, Gourdon, Hythe, Ilfra- combe, North Sunderland, Port Askaig, Port St. Mary, St. David's, Sheringham, Sunderland, Wells - - 47,063 19 5 Upkeep of Office and Store at Cowes - - - - 152 19 3 Alterations and Repairs of Life-boats, etc. — — — 18,117 18 4 Consulting Naval Architect ------ 487 3 9 Salaries of Superintendent-Engineer, Surveyors, Assistant Surveyors of Life-boats and Machinery, Draughtsmen, and Clerical Staff ____"___ io,862 17 3 Travelling Expenses _______ 3,297 9 0 Pensions under the Pension Scheme - - - 459 17 0 Contributions to Superannuation and'Provident Fund - 256 17 10 80,699 1 10 Life-boat Carriages and Tractors :— New Carriages, etc. _______ 1,303 17 9 Alterations and Repairs of Life-boat Carriages, etc. - - 153 12 11 Repairs to Tractors _______ 339 19 9 Salaries of Assistant Surveyor of Carriages, and Tractor Engineer ________ 696 0 0 Travelling Expenses - - - - - - - 41640 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 34 10 9 2,944 5 2 Life-boats House and Slipways :— New Construction and Adaptation Repairs and Maintenance - Life-boat Stores - - - - 24,241 3 0 - 6,645 0 9 30,886 3 9 15,101 12 4 Life-boat Storeyard at Poplar, including Taxes, Insurance and Repairs _____--_ 2,819 0 5 Salaries of Superintendent of Stores, Storekeeper and Clerical Staff and Wages of Manual Workers - - 15,048 2 5 Pensions under the Pension Scheme - - - - 298 6 8 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 166 3 0 18,331 12 6 Payments in connexion with Life-boat Stations, such as Repainting and other Small Repairs to Life-boats, Life- boat Carriages, and Life-boat Houses, done locally ; Con- veyance of Boats, Carriages and Stores ; Postages, etc. — 10,914 16 0 Salaries of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Stations - - 361 11 9 11,276 7 9 Wages, Rewards and other payments to Coxswains, Motor Mechanics and Crews :— Cost of Wreck Services, including Rewards to Life-boat Crews and others, Special Rewards and Recognitions, Medals and Vellums ------- 5,931 i 7 Grants to men injured in the Life-boat Service - - 369 3 3 Fees of Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen, Wages of Motor Mechanics, etc. _--___ 33,253 19 6 Payments to Life-boat Crews and Launchers for exercises, etc. _________ 6,218 8 8 Pensions and Retiring Allowances to Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen -------- 3,766 17 6 Pensions and Grants to Relatives of deceased Life-boatmen and others ________ 1,601 1 4 Pensions under the Pension Scheme to ex-Permanent Crews of old Steam Life-boats, etc. - - - - 685 6 0 51,825 17 10 Carried forward 211,065 1 2Income.

Subscriptions, Donations, etc.:— £ s. d.

General Subscriptions to Headquarters - - - - 6,291 14 1 „ „ through Station Branches - - 6,659 6 5 „ „ through Financial Branches - - 16,826 6 4 ,, Donations to Headquarters - 9,694 12 6 „ „ through Station Branches - 19,612 14 5 „ „ through Financial Branches - - 50,053 15 9 Contributions from Harbour Authorities towards upkeep of Life-boat Stations ______ 1,836 14 8 Contribution Boxes (Headquarters) - - 193 6 2 „ „ (Station Branches) - 6,429 15 11 „ „ (Financial Branches) - 845 16 11 s. d.

118,444 3 2 Life-boat Funds :— Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per H. A. Clark, Esq., I.S.O., in respect of the following Life-boat Establishments — Donaghadee, Margate, Southend-on-Sea, Walmer and Whitehills ________ 1,457 11 9 Hollon Life-boat Fund (per the Charity Commissioners) - 25 5 0 Sevan Reward Fund (per the Charity Commissioners) - 208 5 0 St. Anne's Life-boat Disaster Fund, Balance transferred to Institution ________ 8,540 19 4 10,242 1 1 Income from Investments :— Dividends and Interest on Investments — Less Income Tax deducted - - 46,093 7 5 - 5,511 1 4 40,582 6 1 Special Purposes Trust Fund Income £ s. d.

Account ------- 1,819 16 6 Less Transfer to Special Purposes and Maintenance Fund - - - - 286 4 9 1,533 11 9 Less Transfers to General Subscriptions, Station Branch Contributions, and Financial Branch Contributions - 476 5 7 Income Tax recovered 1,057 6 2 6,948 0 1 48,587 12 4 Carried forward 177,273 16 7 Expenditure.

s. d. £ s. d.

211,065 1 2 Life-boat Inspectors :— Salaries of Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspector, Inspectors of Life-boats and Clerical Staff - 7,164 13 6 Travelling Expenses ____--- 2,274 13 7 Pensions under the Pension Scheme — — - - 793 10 8 Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund - 196 7 10 10,429 5 7 Administration :— - 4,530 16 1 d.

4 £ 1,982 9 10 14 5 891 555 896 14 1,606 11 - 624 6 11 254 3 9 One-half of Salaries of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Principal Clerk, Accountant and Clerical Staff ----- Rent, Leasehold Depreciation, Rates, Taxes, Lighting, Heating, Insurance, etc. - - Insurance under Workmen's Compensation, National Insurance and Unemployment Insurance Acts - - - - - Commissionaires and Watchmen — — — Telephones, Postages and Parcels — — Pensions under the Pension Scheme - - Travelling and other Expenses of Chairman and Committee of Management - - Contributions to Superannuation and Provi- dent Fund - - - - 6,811 9 to - 3,405 14 Less estimated amount chargeable raising of funds and publicity - - Stationery, Office Expenses, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, etc. ____--_- Auditors' Fee ____---- Law Expenses ________ Repairs and improvements to the House of the Institution- Expenses re the Estate of the late Mrs. F. McLorg - 3,405 14 6 1,803 2 315 0 350 18 308 4 10,713 15 50 0 5,497 2 7 7,779 14 10 2,210 18 10 70 19 0 7,232 12 4 - 11,282 16 5 1,895 11 11 172 10 0 4,516 16 276 11 3,405 14 Expenses connected with, raising of funds and publicity :— One-half of Salaries of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assis- tant Secretary, Principal Clerk, Accountant and Clerical Staff (as above), and Salary of Publicity Secretary, etc. - Salaries of District Organizing Secretaries and Clerical Staff Travelling Expenses of District Organizing Secretaries Annual General Meeting _____ _ Advertising and Appeals ______ Stationery, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, Badges, Collecting Boxes, Postages, etc. — — — — - Printing and Binding the Annual Report and The Life-boat Journal --------- Pension under the Pension Scheme - - - - Salaries and Commissions of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Branches ___ — — — — — Contributions to Superannuation and Provident Fund — Estimated proportion of Administration Expenses as above 44,341 8 4 TOTAL EXPENDITURE - £276,599 10 7 Income.

£ s. d.

177,273 16 7 Sundry Receipts :— Sale of old Life-boats, Life-boat Carriages, Life-boat Houses, £ s. d.

Condemned Stores, etc. - - -'-.-' -. 3,365 18 7 3,441 19 1 180,715 15 8 62,362 12 10 Sale of The Life-boat Journal, Advertisements, etc. - - 76 0 6 Ordinary Income - - - - -- - - Legacies for General Purposes - - - Gifts and Legacies for Special Purposes :— Income only available:— £ s. d.

Legacies ------ 5,065 0 0 5,065 0 0 -46,178 5 6 -27,539 7 10 Capital available :— Legacies Special Gifts - 78,782 13 4: 321,861 1 10 78,782 13 4 243,078 8 6 73,717 13 4 TOTAL RECEIPTS Deduct .•— Transfer to General Endowment Fund . - - - - 5,065 0 0 Transferred to Special Purposes and Maintenance Fund 73,717 13 4 Total Receipts available for General Purposes - Add:— 1 6 - 3,764 0 7 Transfer from Special Purposes and Maintenance Fund for Life-boats, etc., included in Expenditure, defrayed during the year by Special Legacies and Donations __ — -____ 29,757 Balance charged to General Purposes Fund £276,599 10 7 NOTE.—This account comprises the receipts and disbursements of the Headquarters of the Institution for the year to 31st December, 1935, and of the Branches for the yearjto 30th September, 1935..