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The S.S. Lancresse & Tres

During a thick fog on the morning of the 23rd November the s.s. Lancresse, of Guernsey, bound from London to Newlyn with a cargo of stone, and the Norwegian steamer Tres, of Tonsberg, Blyth for Caen, with a cargo of coal, came into collision about one and three quarter miles south by east of Brake Lightvessel.

Both steamers were badly damaged, and the Lancresse sank. At 10.12 A.M.

the Brake Lightvessel reported, through the coastguard, that she had taken on board ten of the Lancresse's crew, but that one man was missing. The motor life-boat Prudential put out at 10.22 A.M., but although she searched all visible wreckage she could find no trace of the missing man. She took the ten men off the Brake Lightvessel and landed them at Ramsgate, returning to her station at 11.50 A.M. The Tres put into Dover under her own steam.— Rewards, £8 Is. 6d..