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The S.S. Albionic

On the afternoon of the 17th October Lloyd's agent reported to the life-boat station that the s.s. Albionic, of Hull, bound from Murmansk for Sharpness with a cargo of timber, was anchored in Broad Bay, about seventeen miles from Stornoway, with defective steering gear.

He wanted to go off to her, but as a strong and increasing W.N.W. wind was blowing, with a heavy sea and heavy rain squalls, no ordinary boat could take him, and he asked for the life-boat. The district inspector of life-boats was in Stornoway, and after discussion it was decided to grant permission for the life-boat to go, on condition that the agent would be responsible for the expenses. The life- boat put off at 2.25 P.M., and returned to her station at 8.40 P.M.—No expense to the Institution..