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The Motor Drifter White Heather

— On the evening of the 9th November a police- man reported that a man on Brechou Island had telephoned that a vessel thought to be his motor drifter White Heather, was showing signals of distress about three miles north of Sark. A moderate south gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. The motor life-boat Queen Victoria put out at 7.40 P.M., and about two hours later found the White Heather with her engine broken down.

The White Heather, which was used to carry goods and workmen between Guernsey and Brechou, had eight people on board, and her skipper was the life-boat coxswain. The life-boat towed her back to St. Peter Port, and returned to her station at 10.45 P.M.— Rewards, £17 6*. 6d..