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The Dundee Sand Boat Oberon

The "motor life-boat Mona was launched at 2.10 A.M. on the 19th October, as flares had been seen from the Dundee sand-boat Oberon, which, with a crew of four, was at anchor just below Tay Bridge. A whole S.W. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea and rain squalls. The life- boat soon reached the Oberon, and found heavy seas sweeping over her.

She stood by, to windward, while the Oberon weighed anchor, and escorted her towards the Tidal Basin. The life- boat's searchlight was of great help in guiding her. Just as she reached the basin entrance she grounded.

The life-boat towed her off, at the third attempt, and took her safely in. It was impossible to rehouse the life-boat, and she was moored in the fish dock at 4 A.M. At 7.30 A.M. she put out again, as the s.s. Fair City, of Dundee, was in difficulties off Stanner- gate. She found that the Fair City had gone ashore, but was in no imme- diate danger, and wanted a tug. She thereupon returned, reported the re- quest to the steamer's owners, and put back to the fish dock at 8.5 A.M. She was rehoused at 4 P.M. The owners of the Oberon sent a letter of thanks and an anonymous donation was received.— Rewards, £15 16s..