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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 19th November, 1935.

Sir GODFREY BARING, St., in the chair.

Resolved that Mr. F. J. Terry, M.A., be appointed joint district organizing secretary for Greater London.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

The late Mr. John Milroy, dona- tion from trustee . . . 3,800 0 0 Anonymous . . . 50 0 0 Personnel of the Royal Air Force stationed at Hinaidi and Mosel 27 1 7 Mr. G. D. Buchanan . 25 0 0 The late Mr. John Carson, gift from administratrix . 25 0 0 Mr. Clive Pearson . . 25 0 0 Norddeutscher Lloyd Company 20 0 0 Paid £22,576 19s. 3d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, in- eluding rewards for services, payments for the construction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life- boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £454 2s. Od. to pay the rewards for life-boat services ; £351 16s. 9d. to pay the rewards for life- boat launches ; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 17-24) ; £7 6s. 6d. for the assemblies of crews, etc. ; £17 10s. 6d. for a service previously re- ported ; £38 Is. 6d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Eastbourne and Rye Harbour ; £9 18s. 3d. to men for injury in the life-boat service at Filey and Llandudno.

Voted £12 Os. Od. on account of additional rewards to the crews of the Portrush and New Brighton life-boats.

(Accounts of these launches appear on pages 7 and 20).

Voted £18 2s. 8d. to pay the rewards for the shoreboat services at Blackpool, Cross- haven, Hartlepool, Kingstown, New Brigh- ton, Newbiggin, Jersey, Teignmouth, Tor- quay and Ventnor, accounts of which appear on pages 30 and 32.

Thursday, 12th December, 1935, Sir GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the chair.

Resolved that an expression of the sym- pathy of the Institution be conveyed to Countess Jellicoe, on the death of Admiral of the Fleet the Rt. Hon. Earl Jellicoe, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O., a vice-president of the Institution.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :—• £ s. d.

The late Mr. William Gibson, donation from trustees to Dundee branch . . 50 0 0 Mr. Alan C. Harris . . 35 0 0 L. E. L. . . . 25 0 0 Mr. W. P. Millington . 25 0 0 Paid £18,742 6*. 6d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, in- cluding rewards for services, payments for the construction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life- boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £129 8s. 6d. to pay the rewards for life-boat services ; £218 17s. 3d. to pay the rewards for life- boat launches ; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 24—27) ; £26 lls. 6rf. for the assemblies of crews, etc. ; £4 13s. Gd. additional rewards for services previously reported ; £3 15s. Od. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of a man who had lost his life in the life-boat service at Fethard ; £40 2s. Gd. to men for injury in the life- boat service at Hastings and Tenby.

Voted a compassionate grant of £10 to Mrs. Ellen Stephens, an annuitant under . the Padstow Life-boat Disaster Fund of 1900, who is in straitened circumstances.

Voted £34 5s. 6d. to pay the rewards for the Ardglass, Arranmore, Bridlington, Dun- geness, Eastbourne, Hoylake and Southend- on-Sea shoreboat services, accounts of which appear on pages 32 and 33.

Thursday, 31st December, 1935.

Paid £13,846 4s. 2d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, etc., and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Thursday, 9th January, 1936.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Reported that H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., President of the Institution, had graciously consented to preside at the Annual Meeting to be held in the Central Hall, Westminster, on the 28th April.

Reported that Mr. Neville Dixey had been elected chairman of Lloyd's for the ensuing year, in succession to Mr. S. J. Aubrey, and thus had become an ex-officio member of the committee of management.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

King George's Fund for Sailors . £1,000 0 0 Mr. William Watson, deceased— donation from executors to " Scottish Branch" . . 600 0 0 Mr. James S. Henderson, deceased— donation from executors . 250 0 0 Mr. William K. Hudson, deceased— donation from executors . 200 0 0 Mr. Herbert Jones . . . 100 0 0 Miss Florence . . . 50 0 0 H.M.S. Resolution . . 42 0 0 Southern Railway . . . 31 8 0 Major the Hon. J. J. Astor, M.P. 26 5 0 Commonwealth and Dominion Line, Ltd 26 5 0 Paid £12,015 5s. 4d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £216 14s. 6d. to pay the rewards for life- boat services ; £265 7s. 3d. to pay the rewards for life-boat launches ; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 27-30) ; £4 17s. 6d. for the assemblies of crews, etc. ; £339 4s. 2d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Aldeburgh, Caister, Fethard, Filey, Fraserburgh, Holyhead, Johnshaven, The Mumbles, New Brighton, Newhaven.

Padstow, Port St. Mary, Rhoscolyn, Runs- wick, Rye Harbour, St. Andrew's, St. David's, Troon, Whitby and Wells ; £81 15s. Od. to men for injury in the life- boat service at Blackpool, Broughty Ferry, Caister, Cardigan, Moelfre, Newhaven, and Walmer.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to William Dale, who was at one time a member of the crew of the Harwich life-boat, and is now ill and in very straitened circumstances.

Voted £8 15s. Od. to pay the rewards for the Courtown, Mundesley, Fowey and Pem- broke shoreboat services, accounts of which appear on page 33..