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Prince of Wales Days In 1935

DUKING 1935 Life-boat Days, through the gracious permission of the Institu- tion's President, were known as " Prince of Wales Day," in celebration of the Silver Jubilee of King George V.

There was an increase of thirty-four in the number of branches holding days, of 52,000 in the number of people who contributed, and of £847 in the amount collected.

The number of branches holding days was 766 ; the number of people who contributed was 5,224,000; the amount collected was £42,982.

The number of branches holding days was the largest there has ever been.

The number of people who contri- buted and the amount collected were both the largest since 1930, the year before the national crisis in finance.

The average contribution was only just under twopence per head, and this also was higher than any year since 1930..