Advanced search

Olive Leaf and Crest

Cloughey, Newcastle, and Ardglass, Co.

Down. — 31st October. The coast- guard had telephoned that an aeroplane was reported to have fallen into the sea about one and a half miles S.E. of St.

John's Point. A moderate S.W. breeze was blowing, with a heavy sea. At 1.22 P.M. the Cloughey motor life-boat William Maynard was launched, fol- lowed at 1.38 P.M. by the Newcastle pulling and sailing life-boat John.

Two Lossiemouth fishing boats, the Olive Leaf and the Crest, also put out from Ardglass to help in the search, a police sergeant going in the Olive Leaf.

A thorough search revealed nothing, and the observer must have been mistaken, as no aircraft was reported missing.—Life-boat rewards, Cloughey, £10 55.; Newcastle, £21 155. 6d.; rewards to the Olive Leaf and Crest, £8 55.; and 105. for fuel used..