Freda, Star of Hope and Radiant Morn
The Staithes fishing fleet put out at 5 a.M. on the 20th December in moderate weather.
Later the wind got .up, and by 10.30 A.M. a moderate and increasing N.N.W.
gale was blowing, with a heavy sea.
The weather was thick. Some of the fleet got safely in, but the motor life- boat Robert Patton—The Always Ready was launched at 10.45 A.M. to help the others. The Freda, Star of Hope and Radiant Morn, each with a crew of three, were escorted, in turn, into harbour. The last coble, the Flora, was picked up about three miles north of Staithes and escorted in, and the life-boat returned to her station at 3 P.M.—Rewards, £15 6*. 6d..