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The Harbour Tug Adur II

On the afternoon of the 2nd October the coast- guard reported that the Shoreham Harbour tug Adur II, while towing a hopper out to sea, had fouled^her propeller, and was drifting on to a lee shore. A strong, and increasing, S. breeze was blowing, with a heavy sea and rain. The motor life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched at 3,32 P.M, She found that the Adur II had been taken in tow by a pilot cutter, and stood by until she had been towed to a safe position in harbour. Then she went back and towed the hopper to her moorings.

She returned to her station at 4.30 P.M.—Rewards, £7 15s. 6d..