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On the evening of the 20th August the coastguard telephoned that Gorton light-vessel was making signals indi- cating a ship in distress N.E. of the light-vessel. A light S.E. breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth. The motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood was launched at 7.10 P.M.

Near Cross Sand buoy she found, and took on board, three men in a small boat. They were the crew of the fishing boat Samaritan, of Lowestoft, and had abandoned her after she had caught fire. The life-boat went about three miles in a N.N.E. direction, and fpund the Samaritan aflame from stem to stern. Eventually she sank. The life-boat landed the three men at Qorleston and returned to her station at 10.30 P.M. The rescued men sent a letter of thanks to the life-boat crew.—Rewards, £20 11*..