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Life-Boat Exhibition

THROUGH the kindness of the organizers of the annual Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, held at Olympia last September, the Institution was given free space for a life-boat exhibit for the fortnight during which the exhibition was open. The space was sufficient to give a very thorough idea of the Institution's work and the development of its life-boats, equip- ment and machinery. The models of life-boats, the working models, the equipment and the pictures were, with small exceptions, the same as those shown at the Charing Cross Under- ground Station in June 1933, at Watford in October 1933, and at Manchester and Salford in May and June 19341, but for the first time the Institution exhibited complete engines —a 35 h.p. six-cylinder petrol engine, a 40 h.p. four-cylinder petrol engine and a 40 h.p. four-cylinder Diesel engine. This last was one of the first pair of Diesel engines to be ordered by the Institution following on the experi- ments carried out during the greater part of last year, with an 85 h.p.

Diesel installed in a reserve motor life-boat.

During the fortnight of the exhibition 2,500 programmes and 5,000 leaflets were distributed, and 750 life-boat booklets were sold.

1 See The Life-boat for September 1933, November 1933 and September 1934..