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A Small Boat (1)

On the evening of the 15th August news was received that a small boat with a man and a woman on board had been seen in difficulties, drifting with the tide through Calf Sound. The honorary secretary engaged a motor boat and went in search, could find nothing, and returned to Port Erin. He then went by car to Port St. Mary, but could learn nothing of the boat there, and on his return the Port Erin motor life-boat Ethel Day Cardwell was launched. It was then 11.35 P.M. A light S.W. wind was blowing, with a choppy sea. The life-boat made a long search round the Calf of Man, and at daybreak next day the two people were seen on the Stack Rock, on the west side of the Calf of Man, with their boat stranded on the rocks beside them.

This is a very dangerous spot, the cliffs being too steep to climb, and the only means of return was by boat.

The life-boat rescued the people, and returned to her station at 6 A.M.— Rewards, £12 15s. 6d..