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On the afternoon of the 13th June the civic guard at Wexford telephoned that a fishing boat was in distress in the North Bay. A strong southerly breeze was blowing, with a rough sea and heavy showers. The motor life-boat K.E.C.F. put out at 6.15 P.M., and found the fishing boat May Bird, of Wexford, at anchor about 150 yards off a lee shore, with her sails blown away. The life-boat anchored to windward of her, dropped down, and passed a rope to her owner, who was the only man on board. With great difficulty the May Bird's anchor was weighed, and the life-boat towed her slowly over the bar, where the sea was breaking badly. The May Bird shipped several heavy seas, but the life-boat got her safely into harbour.

She returned to her station at 10.30 P.M.—Permanent Crew ; Rewards, £1 19s..