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M. Andre Citroen

The Institution has also lost a very generous friend by the death of M.

Andre1 Citroen, founder and head of the great French motor-manufacturing firm which bears his name. M. Citroen will be remembered not only for his work in organizing French munitionsduring the Great War, and for the Cit- roen motor cars, but for three expedi- tions which he organized and financed, two in Africa and one in Asia. The first of these expeditions, with tracked motor cars, crossed the Sahara in 1922, the second went from Algiers to the Cape of Good Hope in 1921 and 1925, and the third crossed Asia from Beirut, in Syria, to Peking in 1931 and 1932. The film of each of these expeditions was, through the generosity of M. Citroen, shown for the first time in Great Britain in aid of the Institution. The Queen was pres- ent at the showing of the first film, the Prince of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of York and Prince and Princess Arthur of Connaught at the second, and the Prince of Wales at the third in Novem- ber of last year. M. Citroen was appointed an honorary life-governor of the Institution in 1928, the highest honour which it can bestow on an honorary worker..