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Lieut. Keppel H. Foote, R.N.

Lieut. Keppel H. Foote, R.N.. who died on 6th May at the age of eighty- five, had spent twenty-nine years of his life in the service of the Institu- tion. Born in 1850, he entered the navy in 1863, and served in it for eighteen years. Retiring in 1881, he became harbour-master at Newport, Monmouthshire, and in October, 1888, he joined the life-boat service as a district inspector. He served first in the northern district and then in the southern, retiring with a pension in October, 1913, after twenty-five years of service. In November, 1914, three months after the outbreak of the Great War, he returned to the Institution to act for the deputy chief inspector of life-boats, who had been recalled to the Navy, and held that post during the four years of war, retiring again in 1919..