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26th April. The local fishing boat Britannia put out on the morning of the 25th April, but did not return when expected, and some anxiety was felt. Soon after 11 P.M.

the honorary secretary asked the coast- guard to signal the Royal Sovereign light-vessel, but nothing could be learned. At 12.26 A.M. on the 26th the motor life-boat Jane Holland put out to search. A moderate N. breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The life-boat searched for some hours with- out success, and put back to East- bourne at 7.45 A.M. She went off again at 8 A.M., and putting into Newhaven about three hours later, found that a Belgian trawler had picked up the Britannia, which had had engine trouble, in the Channel, and had towed her into Newhaven shortly before the life-boat arrived. The life-boat towed the Britannia back to Eastbourne and returned to her station at 2.10 P.M.

She had been out for nearly fourteen hours. Additional rewards were granted to the crew for this long service.—Rewards, £45 7s. 6d..