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— Early on the morning of the 17th March the Royal Naval Shore Signal Station tele- phoned that a vessel was apparently in distress near Fast Castle Point, about four miles up the coast. Her siren could be heard, but owing to the dense fog-she could not be seen. A north breeze was blowing and a moderate swell was running. The motor life- boat Helen Smitton was launched at 5.85 A.M., and, hugging the coast, found the steam trawler Tyrwhitt, of South Shields, aground below Earnsheugh Cliff, just north of Pennycowick Bay.

Part of her crew of ten or eleven had taken to the ship's small boat, but they returned when they saw the life-boat.

With the life-boat's help, and under the coxswain's directions, the Tyrwhitt was refloated. It was found that she was seaworthy and she made for South Shields. The life-boat then put back to her station, arriving at 9 A.M. The owners of the trawler made a donation to the Institution.—Rewards, £15 9*..