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The S.S. Hamilton

On the 27th Feb- ruary the s.s. Hamilton, of Stranraer, bound light from Port William to Maryport, was overtaken by bad weather, and dropped anchor in Port Yerrick bay. A whole southerly gale was blowing, with rain and snow, and a very heavy sea was running. The coastguard reported her, and, as it was considered that she was in a dangerous position, the motor life- boat Morison Watson was launched at 9.45 A.M. After a very rough passage, during which heavy seas swept over her and drenched the crew, the life- boat reached the Hamilton at 12.20 P.M The Hamilton had just lost both her anchors, and was being blown about by the gale. At her master's request the life-boat stood by and then escorted her safely into Garlieston harbour, which was reached at 3.30 P.M. The life-boat, after her crew had had some food and a brief rest, set out for home, and arrived at her station at 10 P.M.

She had been away for over twelve hours. This was a long and arduous service and the Committee sent a letter of appreciation to the life-boat's crew.—Rewards, £26 8s..