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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 14th February, 1935.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Reported the death of the Rt. Hon. and Rev. the Earl of Devon, a vice-president of the Institution since 1930.

Reported that the Swedish Life-boat Society would organize the fourth inter- national life-boat conference in Stockholm, in 1936.

Resolved that a message of congratulation be sent to the German Life-boat Society on its seventieth birthday.

Resolved that Captain R. Trenam, M.B.E., M.C., be appointed Organizing Secretary for the North-Western district, as from the 1st March, on the retirement of Brigadier- General W. S. Swabey, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :—• £ s. d.

The Rt. Hon. the Viscount Wake- field of Hythe, C.B.E. - - 6,000 0 0 Great Western Railway - 70 0 0 Miss L. A. Whittaker - 50 0 0 Mr. Alfred Barrett, J.P. - - 33 12 0 The Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd. 21 0 0 Paid £14,592 10s. lOd. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £180 2s. 6d. to pay the rewards for life- boat services ; £291 13s. 6d. to pay the rewards for life- boat launches ; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 449—454.) £35 lls. for the assemblies of crews, etc. ; £2 5s. 9d. additional rewards in connexion with cases already reported ; £27 5s. 2d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Eastbourne and Rye Harbour.

Voted £8 12s. 6d. to pay the rewards for shoreboat services at Stroma Island and Teesmouth, accounts of which appear on page 464.

Thursday, 14th March, 1935.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Reported that a telegram of condolence had been sent to the Societe Centrale de Sametage des Naufrages on the disaster to its new motor life-boat at Casablanca, Morocco, which, while on service on 28th February, capsized with the loss of all but one of its crew of eight men.

Decided to close the life-boat stations at Blakeney and Brancaster.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

Mrs. E. W. Montford, J.P. - 3,000 0 0 The late Miss E. S. Atkinson, donation from her executors - 200 0 0 Borough of Rawtenstall Work- people's Hospital Fund - 35 0 0 Paid £17,561 17s. 2d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £328 15s. to pay the rewards for life-boat services ; £181 3s. 3d. to pay the rewards for life- boat launches ; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 454-460.) £321 Os. Id. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Aldeburgh, Caister, Fethard, Filey, Fraserburgh, Holyhead, Johnshaven, The Mumbles, New Brighton, Newhaven, Pad- stow, Port St. Mary, Ramsgate, Rhoscolyn, Runswick, Rye Harbour, St. Andrews, St.

David's, Troon, Wells, and Whitby ; £74 12s. Gd. to men for injury in the life- boat service at Blackpool, Broughty Ferry, Caister, Cardigan, Moelfre, Newhaven, Scar- borough and Walmer.

Voted a compassionate grant of £10 to James Cusack, who had been a member of the Ballycotton life-boat crew for over forty years, and who is now very ill and in strait- ened circumstances.

Voted a payment of £7 7s. 9d. to the widow of the late second coxswain W. B. Picknett, of Redcar, who is in straitened circumstances.

Second-coxswain Picknett died in November, 1934, having been pensioned in 1931, and this sum is the amount of the annual pension he would have received for 1935 had he lived until the end of the year.

Voted £11 Os. 6d. to pay the rewards for shoreboat services at Whitby, St. Peter Port, Hastings, and Port Askaig; accounts of which appear on page 464.

Thursday, llth April, 1935.

SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Reported that the Right Hon. the Viscount Wakefleld, C.B.E., had been elected a vice- president of the Institution.

Reported the death of Lieut.-Col. Sir John Collie, C.M.G., a member of the com- mittee of management, and resolved that an expression of sympathy be sent to his rela- tives.

Reported the death of Mr. Norman Clark Neill, a member of the committee of manage- ment, and resolved that an expression of sympathy be sent to his widow.

Received with regret the resignation from the committee of management of Sir Gervais S. C. Rentoul, K.C.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution :— £ s. d.

Lloyd's collection - - -1,436 5 0 Paid £28,696 3s. 2d for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.Included in the above were :— £98 6s. 6d. to pay the rewards for life- boat services ; £181 15s. 3d. to pay the rewards for life- boat launches ; (Accounts of these services and launches appear on pages 461-462.) £5 17s. 6d to pay the rewards for the service by the Selsey motor life-boat to the speed- boat White Cloud II in July, 1933, an account of which appeared in The Life-boat for November, 1933.

£1 18s. for the assembly of a crew ; £32 Os. lOrf. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Rye Harbour.

Decided that the special weekly allowance now being paid to W. E. Haylett, ex-second coxswain of the Caister life-boat, who was compelled to retire owing to serious illness due to exposure in the life-boat service, be continued.

. Voted £51 19s. 6d. to pay the rewards for the Island of Yell, Brora, and Campbeltown shoreboat services, accounts of which appear on page 465..