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Robine and Consort

On the morning of the 20th February, the motor fishing boat Consort, of Girvan, was seen lying at anchor about five hundred yards north of the harbour. A mod- erate S.S.W. gale was blowing with a rough sea. A watch was kept on the boat, and about 8.0 A.M. distress signals were seen. The motor life- boat Lily Glen—Glasgow was launched at 8.15 A.M., but meanwhile the motor fishing boat Robine, returning from the Ballantrae banks, had gone to the help of the Consort. She tried to take her in tow, but failed, and went on her way to harbour. The life-boat, after one or two tries, got a line on board, and towed the Consort and her crew into safety. She returned to her station at 8.50 A.M.—Rewards, £6 13s..