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On the after- noon of the llth January, a doctor asked for the life-boat to go to Caldy Island to fetch to the mainland a girl who had been badly burnt and was in great pain. It would have been dan- gerous to fetch her in an open boat, and no other suitable boat was avail- able. A strong S.W. breeze was blow- ing, with a heavy ground swell and rain showers. The motor life-boat John R.

Webb put out at 3.80 P.M., taking a small boat in tow. By use of this the child was, with great difficulty, taken into the life-boat, which made for Tenby at full speed. She was taken to hospital, but collapsed and died during the night. At the inquest the jury expressed in a rider to its verdict its strong appreciation of the life-boat's help. The life-boat returned to her station at 5.30 P.M. The second cox- swain had three fingers of his left hand badly crushed, and lost part of the little finger, when she was being moored.

—Rewards, £19 4s. 6d..