Twentieth Anniversary of the Wreck of the Rohilla
A CONGREGATION of nearly a thousand people filled the West Cliff Congrega- tional Church at Whitby, on the evening of 28th October, to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the wreck of the hospital ship Rohilla on Saltwick Nab, Whitby, on 30th October, 1914, and the gallantry of those who, during a struggle which lasted for more than forty-eight hours, succeeded in rescuing over ninety of the 229 men and women on board. The service was conducted by the pastor of the church, the Rev.
D. Marriott Perkins, and many were present who had taken part in the work of rescue. Among the congregation were the Whitby life-boat crews, mem- bers of the life-saving apparatus brigade, the coastguard, and the St. John Ambulance Brigade..