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The Sailing Barge William Cleverly

Early on the morning of the 18th December the coastguard telephoned that a sailing barge was dragging her anchor about three miles E. by N. of the pier, and the motor life-boat Edward Z. Dresden was launched at 1.52 A.M. A moderate south gale was blowing, with a heavy sea and rain squalls. The life-boat dropped anchor, veered as near as possible to the barge—which was the William Cleverly, of Rochester—and got a drogue-rope aboard by means of her line-throwing gun. The rope parted and the barge ran aground.

The life-boat stood by until high water, and then, as the barge was no longer in danger, returned to her station. She arrived there at 9.55 A.M., but could not be rehoused until noon.—Rewards, £26 Is. Qd..